Concentric Partner Letter #35: Venture Capital and AI

Newsletter 08.03.2024

Concentric Partner Letter #35: Venture Capital and AI

AI has evolved from a niche concept to a foundational technology across various industries, promising to change how we live and work. The AI landscape, currently dominated by big tech, is set to shift towards startups and entrepreneurs, driving the next wave of innovation.

AI will contribute towards solving many of the issues and challenges we are faced with in today’s world. The future of AI is expected to be shaped significantly by smaller, agile startups and entrepreneurs rather than established corporates or governmental initiatives.

At the same time, Venture Capital will play a pivotal role in nurturing AI startups, providing not just funding but also strategic guidance, network access, and market insights. The next wave of AI innovation is expected to be driven by a symbiotic relationship between entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, combining technological, creative vision with financial and strategic support.

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